For Immediate Release
Contact: Nick Voutsinos

AFSCME’s Saunders: The mask is off – Elon Musk wants to cut Social Security

WASHINGTON – AFSCME President Lee Saunders released the following statement after Elon Musk called Social Security ‘the big one to eliminate’ when it comes to his plans to cut public services:

“The mask is off: Elon Musk wants to cut Social Security. The richest man in the world calls support for seniors and disabled individuals ‘waste.’ He claims that retirees receiving the benefits they spent their careers paying into is ‘fraud,’ and fulfilling the promise of Social Security is ‘abuse.’ But his lies aren’t working. We know the real fraud being committed isn’t the 75-year-old retiree using her Social Security check to pay for groceries, but the unelected billionaire in the White House slashing public services in the name of unproven waste so he can enrich himself and his wealthy friends. The charade is over.
“Elon Musk’s game to take away working peoples’ hard-earned benefits to make room for his tax cuts is clear for all to see. And we will continue to mobilize our workplaces and communities to stop these attacks on our livelihoods and retirement security.”
