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Oregon behavioral health workers overwhelmingly give their boss a thumbs down

Photo credit: Oregon AFSCME
Oregon behavioral health workers overwhelmingly give their boss a thumbs down
By Oregon AFSCME ·
Tags: Momentum

The verdict is in. Members of Local 1264 (Oregon AFSCME) have overwhelmingly approved a no-confidence vote against their boss, Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) Director Fariborz Pakseresht.

The local, which represents more than 600 workers in ODHS’ Stabilization and Crisis Unit (SACU), held a no-confidence vote over Thanksgiving week — and 96% of participating members voted in favor of it.  They say Pakseresht has failed SACU’s workers and the vulnerable Oregonians they serve.

The vote comes after ODHS announced last month that it will close two SACU residential care facilities and may close more soon. SACU workers provide essential support for individuals facing severe mental and behavioral health challenges, offering services that help clients to live with dignity and respect, and receive the critical care they need.

“SACU has suffered from mismanagement that jeopardizes the safety of the individuals we serve,” said Christina Sydenstricker Brown, Local 1264’s president and a longtime SACU worker. “Our (clients) are some of the most vulnerable members of our community. They deserve stability, not reckless closures that threaten their well-being.”

The concerns are not new. For the past two years, Local 1264 members have sounded the alarm about critical issues affecting both staff and clients. But SACU workers say Pakseresht has refused to take meaningful steps to stabilize the agency’s budget or restore SACU’s operational capacity. In September, SACU Director Sierra Rawson was removed, but workers say systemic problems persist.

Last week’s near-unanimous no-confidence vote underscores the frustration and urgency SACU workers feel. Local 1264 members called on the state to hold ODHS accountable and to act immediately to ensure SACU workers can continue to help those in need.

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