Anti-worker extremists and their billionaire backers want to slash $2 trillion from the federal budget.
This is great — if you're billionaire. They're going to rake in $4.5 trillion in tax breaks.
But for countless working Americans, these reckless cuts will be devastating.
Here’s some of the people who will be harmed by dangerous federal budget cuts.
- Public service workers
Your job, your contract and the services you provide are on the chopping block. Almost a third of state budgets are supported by the federal government, and over half of that funding is for Medicaid. If federal funding dries up, our jobs will be in jeopardy. We won’t be able to negotiate strong contracts. And the resources we need to serve the public will evaporate.
- Vulnerable kids and families
These reckless budget cuts mean that programs that vulnerable children and families depend on — Head Start, food and nutrition assistance for new mothers and working families, among others — would likely have to be cut. Families will go hungry, kids’ learning will be stunted, and the impact will be serious and long-term.
- People on Medicaid
One in 5 Americans are covered by Medicaid; more than 40% of American births are covered by Medicaid. Cutting the federal budget — and Medicaid in the process — will deprive kids, senior citizens, people with disabilities and working people of vital health care services. It would also hurt AFSCME members — like health care and home care workers — who provide services through Medicaid.
The Congressional Budget Office has confirmed there is no way for Congress to cut $2 trillion without cutting Medicaid.
- Senior citizens and retirees
Seniors and retirees will be hit especially hard by these cuts. More than 60% of nursing home residents depend on Medicaid, the largest payer for long-term care. It’s not just about providing lifesaving care for seniors and retirees. Medicaid is also essential to keeping millions of seniors out of poverty. Seven million people 65 years of age or older are on Medicaid.
- Our communities
Less money for states will mean our communities will suffer. Every American will feel these cuts. Infrastructure projects will come to a halt, schools will have fewer resources for kids, educators and staff, hospitals and health clinics in your community may shutter. We will all feel the pain due to billionaires’ budget cuts.
The good news: Public service workers and our allies are organizing against these attacks.
Through our Get Organized campaign, AFSCME is fighting to stop anti-union extremists and their billionaire friends from destroying the public services we provide and rolling back laws that protect our health and safety at work, our job security and even our freedom to join our union.
Call your representatives today to demand: No budget cuts to pay for billionaire tax breaks!