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Resolutions & Amendments

Other International Executive Board Resolutions

Term limitation

International Executive Board, 1991

WHEREAS, numerous states are considering legislation and/or voter initiatives to limit the number of terms a person may serve in elected legislative office; and

WHEREAS, these measures are clear attempts to deny citizens the right to vote freely for the candidate of choice, which strikes at the heart of representative government and the essence of a democratic society; and

WHEREAS, voters already have the right to limit the term of elected legislative officials by denying them re-election; and

WHEREAS, any effort to restrict the choice of voters disregards the enormous sacrifice Americans have made throughout our 200-year history to broaden the voting franchise to each and every citizen; and

WHEREAS, to deny voters a complete choice of representation deprives the states and the nation of valuable expertise, experience and the effective leadership of many outstanding individuals working for the public good;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO strongly opposes proposals which would limit the terms of elected legislative officials or any attempt to restrict the right of American citizens to vote for the candidate of their choice.