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Resolutions & Amendments

Other International Executive Board Resolutions

Increasing PEOPLE Contributions

International Executive Board, 2003

WHEREAS, the Constitution of the International Union provides that "the workplace and the polling place are inseparable, and the exercise of the awesome rights and responsibilities of citizenship is required at both;" and

WHEREAS, as elected officers of AFSCME we are sworn to uphold this Constitution; and

WHEREAS, the PEOPLE Program provides our union with the ability to engage in political and legislative activity to gain and protect basic rights for our Union and its members; and

WHEREAS, the PEOPLE Program may only utilize voluntary dollars — money donated to the fund from non-dues money sources — which means the fund depends on the continued support of members; and

WHEREAS, members of AFSCME affiliates are being asked to increase the number of PEOPLE contributors and the amount of their PEOPLE contributions to the highest possible level; and

WHEREAS, as leaders of AFSCME we have an obligation to lead the way and set an example for the leaders, staff and members of our affiliates.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that it is the policy of the International Executive Board of AFSCME that every member of the International Executive Board and every member of the Judicial Panel is encouraged to voluntarily complete a PEOPLE checkoff agreement that will direct the Secretary-Treasurer of the International Union to deduct from their Executive Board or Judicial Panel allowance an amount equal to 1% of each monthly payment as a contribution to PEOPLE and to voluntarily maintain their checkoff authorization at that level;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that this checkoff agreement is intended to be in addition to the individual's voluntary contribution of 1% of salary to PEOPLE at their primary work place.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that it is also the policy of the International Executive Board of AFSCME that all affiliates are strongly encouraged to recommend that their staff and executive boards make a voluntary contribution of 1% of their salaries and allowances to PEOPLE.