America continues to suffer the effects of an economic crisis initiated by greed and speculation of financial capital, as a consequence of which, millions of Americans have lost their jobs, and many workers have exhausted their unemployment benefits and have given up on looking for a job; and
We need a comprehensive jobs program that will create jobs in America by establishing government funding of work projects building and modernizing public transportation, roads and bridges, general infrastructure such as building and modernizing schools and alternative energy products; and
President Barack Obama has presented a plan to create jobs and restore the vital impulse of the economy, the American Jobs Act. A plan intended to create jobs without increasing the deficit; and
President Obama’s plan will give tax cuts to small businesses to help them grow and will make massive investments in renovations of public schools, highways, transit and aviation projects, which in turn will put hundreds and thousands of workers back to work; and
President Obama’s plan will extend the period for unemployment insurance and will include a new pathway back to work training programs for growth industries; and
This plan will be fully paid for under President Obama’s deficit reduction plan. The Deficit Reduction Joint Committee will determine what additional deficit reductions are necessary to pay for this act and still meet its deficit target.
That AFSCME will support President Obama’s American Jobs Act initiative and lobby for the passage of the Americans Jobs Act, the Works Project Administration for the 21st Century; and
That AFSCME will support and lobby for legislation that will allocate funding for the creation of a comprehensive jobs program and create work projects.
Juan Fernandez, President and Delegate
Egbert Isaacs, Delegate
Sheera S. Glass, Delegate
Thomas Orawiec, Delegate
Alan Mendelson, Delegate
Diana Thillet, Alternate Delegate
Juliet White, Alternate Delegate
AFSCME Local 154, District Council 37
New York